
How To Improve Your Balance With Chiropractic Care

If you suffer from poor body balance or recurring dizziness, you need treatment from a chiropractor. Chiropractic care is a safe approach for your health, offering the right health conditions.

How To Improve Your Balance With Chiropractic Care

Body balance is one of the primary issues when you consider your health. Feeling of dizziness and spinning sensation is not good for your health, and it signals that your body balance is not perfect. You can meet a chiropractor to improve your body balance. An issue with your musculoskeletal structure can cause poor body balance. You can meet with Dr Brian Nantais to know more about your health and improve your body balance. Vertigo is a common symptom of disturbed body balance. The reasons for vertigo are so many, and here, you will learn about them.


Vertigo is a symptom, not a health condition. It causes the feeling of dizziness, and you may experience nausea feeling. Vertigo is two types – central and peripheral vertigo. When it is central vertigo, it has a connection with the problem in your brain. Tumours and dysfunctional nerve cells cause central vertigo. Peripheral vertigo is caused by issues you have in your inner organs. Peripheral vertigo also has different types, and of them, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the common one. This type of vertigo causes when rocks form in your inner ear canal, resulting in miscommunication in the sensory information.

Some types of vertigo do not come under any of the above categories. The cerebellum maintains your body balance. When the nerve cells in that part of the brain get malfunctioned, it causes vertigo. If your neck gets a significant amount of trauma, it causes the recurring dizziness issue.

Chiropractic care and vertigo treatment:

There are many treatment solutions to your vertigo treatment, but chiropractic care proves to be very effective for you. A chiropractor concentrates on the neck and spine, which help you improve your body’s flexibility. Consult with Nantais Family Chiropractic to learn more about your health. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who treats your health conditions perfectly.

For treating vertigo, a chiropractor uses multiple ways for the treatment. Your chiropractor realigns your upper cervical spine for improving your health condition. They also perform manipulation techniques for your health condition. Meet an experienced chiropractor for treating your health.

Some chiropractors also suggest supplementary treatments along with spinal manipulation, including irrigating your inner ear with hot and cold therapies. Remember that chiropractic therapy is a safe approach for your health. Anyone can opt for the treatment, from adults to kids.   

Other things to remember:

When it comes to your body balance, your eyes and ears play a very important to pass information to your muscles. Information is collected through your nerves. Age is another important reason that disturbs your body balance. Older people have deteriorated senses that cause poor body balance and coordination.

The alignment of your neck, spine, and pelvis also affects your body balance. Some other health conditions that can cause poor body balance are arthritis and osteoporosis.

Find an experienced chiropractor and treat your health conditions. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who will treat any pain-related issues. Please consult with us to know more about chiropractic care.

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