Chiropractic care proves to be really effective for your health, and it has many benefits for treating your pain and other complications. Read on to know more.

If you suffer from back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other complications and is going through a strict medication routine, chiropractic care will be the best thing to start. A chiropractor performs adjustment techniques on your bones and spine to correct the alignment, which improves your health conditions. You need an experienced chiropractor to consult with. Search for a chiropractor near me on Google and other search engines to choose the accredited name. You can even consult with Dr Brian Nantais. He is an experienced chiropractor, offering a wide health problem solution through chiropractic care.

Since it is an alternative treatment approach, many people show their confusion about the effectiveness of chiropractic care. Here, you will learn about why should you choose chiropractic care for your health. We have discussed here the benefits of chiropractic care for your health.

Blood pressure:

Human Journal of Hypertension publishes a study where it is said that chiropractic adjustment has a similar effect of treating high blood pressure as certain high blood pressure medications. The effects of adjustment would stay with you after the six months of adjustments. You would also experience a reduction in symptoms caused by high blood pressure, including fatigue, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, Weight loss, and more.

Neck and lower back pain:

Neck and lower back pain are very common health issues. Although medicines and surgeries are there to treat such complications, chiropractic offers non-drug and non-invasive treatment for your neck and lower back pain. Dr Brian Nantais will help you identify the right treatment choice for your health. You can consult with our doctor to know more about chiropractic care.


Scoliosis is the abnormal curvature of the spine, which causes pain and posture issues. Chiropractic care proves to be very effective for scoliosis treatment. When it is combined with physical therapy, you will get the most effective result. 


Sciatica is a condition where you experience pain along the sciatic nerve that travels from your lower back to your legs. It causes severe pain, and even medication will not offer a permanent result. Chiropractic adjustment can release pressure from your sciatic nerve, which also reduces the severity of the pain.

Reduce inflammation:

Inflammation is one of the causes of joint pain. Chronic inflammation shares a connection with life-threatening diseases like heart disease, chronic pain, and cancer. When an experienced chiropractor performs chiropractic adjustment, you will get relief from muscle tension and joint pain.

Headache relief:

Back pain and the spinal issue can cause tension and migraine headache. Misalignment in your spine is one of the causes of your headache. Let a chiropractor treats your complication without medicines.

Chiropractic care has an array of health benefits, and it is a safe choice for kid’s health also. If you are looking for a chiropractic clinic, Visit Elevation Health. It is a well-known chiropractic centre where you can meet experienced doctors like Dr Brian Nantais. Please visit us to know more. 

If you suffer from poor body balance or recurring dizziness, you need treatment from a chiropractor. Chiropractic care is a safe approach for your health, offering the right health conditions.

Body balance is one of the primary issues when you consider your health. Feeling of dizziness and spinning sensation is not good for your health, and it signals that your body balance is not perfect. You can meet a chiropractor to improve your body balance. An issue with your musculoskeletal structure can cause poor body balance. You can meet with Dr Brian Nantais to know more about your health and improve your body balance. Vertigo is a common symptom of disturbed body balance. The reasons for vertigo are so many, and here, you will learn about them.


Vertigo is a symptom, not a health condition. It causes the feeling of dizziness, and you may experience nausea feeling. Vertigo is two types – central and peripheral vertigo. When it is central vertigo, it has a connection with the problem in your brain. Tumours and dysfunctional nerve cells cause central vertigo. Peripheral vertigo is caused by issues you have in your inner organs. Peripheral vertigo also has different types, and of them, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the common one. This type of vertigo causes when rocks form in your inner ear canal, resulting in miscommunication in the sensory information.

Some types of vertigo do not come under any of the above categories. The cerebellum maintains your body balance. When the nerve cells in that part of the brain get malfunctioned, it causes vertigo. If your neck gets a significant amount of trauma, it causes the recurring dizziness issue.

Chiropractic care and vertigo treatment:

There are many treatment solutions to your vertigo treatment, but chiropractic care proves to be very effective for you. A chiropractor concentrates on the neck and spine, which help you improve your body’s flexibility. Consult with Nantais Family Chiropractic to learn more about your health. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who treats your health conditions perfectly.

For treating vertigo, a chiropractor uses multiple ways for the treatment. Your chiropractor realigns your upper cervical spine for improving your health condition. They also perform manipulation techniques for your health condition. Meet an experienced chiropractor for treating your health.

Some chiropractors also suggest supplementary treatments along with spinal manipulation, including irrigating your inner ear with hot and cold therapies. Remember that chiropractic therapy is a safe approach for your health. Anyone can opt for the treatment, from adults to kids.   

Other things to remember:

When it comes to your body balance, your eyes and ears play a very important to pass information to your muscles. Information is collected through your nerves. Age is another important reason that disturbs your body balance. Older people have deteriorated senses that cause poor body balance and coordination.

The alignment of your neck, spine, and pelvis also affects your body balance. Some other health conditions that can cause poor body balance are arthritis and osteoporosis.

Find an experienced chiropractor and treat your health conditions. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who will treat any pain-related issues. Please consult with us to know more about chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care proves to be very effective for treating your pain. If you experience any discomforts for your health, contact an experienced chiropractor. Read on to know more.

Chiropractic care proves to be very effective for treating pain. Pain without life is impossible. But, medications are very harmful to your health. Chiropractors treat your complications using adjustment techniques. Spinal adjustments are the primary things for chiropractic adjustments.  Find an experienced chiropractor who can treat your complication. Consult with Dr Brian Nantais for your spinal adjustments.

Two different pain categories are intractable pain and chronic pain. Intractable pain is a severe one, and the term was first used in World War II.  That pain is constant in feeling. If you experience such pain, you need strong medicines and surgery for treating pain. The chiropractic adjustment is not very effective for treating health care.

Chronic pain stays beyond the expected time frame. Sometimes, the conventional pain management option does not work effectively. Chiropractors can treat your chronic pain perfectly. Chiropractors are known for offering non-surgical treatment and non-drug treatments. Spinal manipulation can heal your health. Contact Nantais Family Chiropractic and get the best treatment for your health.

Chiropractors can treat your pain complications, no matter how severe it is.  You can opt for chiropractic care for inflammation and muscle tension. Search for chiropractic care near me on Google and find the best treatment care for your health.

How does chiropractic care manage pain?

A chiropractor first understands what causes you pain and then suggest treatment for you. Once your doctor finds the right cause of pain, he/she will suggest some best choices for your health. Your doctor will develop a treatment plan that takes care of your health very well.

The most common treatment choices are:

  1. Spinal manipulation
  2. Manual therapies
  3. Therapeutic exercise

Some common diseases that fin perfect relief from chiropractic care are:

  1. Degenerative disc disease
  2. Herniated disc
  3. Kyphosis
  4. Sciatica
  5. Whiplash

Chiropractors work on the spinal structure of your health, especially the spine, to cure your pain. Chiropractors align your spine with healing your pain. Search for an experienced chiropractor and get relief from pain complications. These days, chiropractors also work with primary care doctors, pain experts, and surgeons to treat your complications.

The risks of chiropractic adjustments are very rare, and it is considered to be the safest choice for your health. Not only do adults get relief from doctors, but kids also can get relief from pain.  Chiropractic care is even effective for your health.

Meet Dr Brian Nantais to learn more about your health and chiropractic treatment. He is an experienced doctor and has been in the field for many years.

Visit Elevation Health and get the right care for your health. It is the place where you find the right treatments for you. If you suffer from low back pain, neck pain, and headaches are the most common problems, visit us to know more.

The philosophy of chiropractic care includes details of its conceptual beliefs and how the treatment is evolved with time. Read on to know more.

Chiropractic care is an alternative approach to your pain treatment. These days, many people want chiropractic treatment to get relief from pain and other complications. We have already talked about different chiropractic methodologies, and how it is beneficial for your health. Here, we are going to discuss the philosophy of chiropractic. If you are searching for the best name, search for a chiropractor near me on the search engines. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced name and has offered chiropractic care for many years. Please consult with us for more details.

Chiropractic care is a complementary or alternative medicine that concentrates on manipulating your spine. D. D. Palmer is the founder of this chiropractic technique, and he claimed the therapy ‘a science of healing without drugs.

Chiropractic care lies on the concept of traditional medicine of bone settling, a practice of joint manipulation performed by osteopaths and physical therapists before the introduction of chiropractic care. This treatment approach has seen many changes since its inception, and as it evolves, it includes other therapy choices such as vitalism, spiritual inspiration, and rationalism.

Remember that chiropractors are not medical doctors who prescribe medicines for the treatment. They have licensed practitioners for performing chiropractic techniques to treat your musculoskeletal disorder. When we are discussing the philosophy of chiropractic care, you must know that it rejects the inferential reasoning of scientific methods. Inferential is a step in the process of reasoning, moving from premises to the conclusion. However, chiropractic care has changed its thought over time and introduces new approaches for you. These days, chiropractors work with scientific research and come up with many essential ideas and treatment options for treating problems. They offer a holistic paradigm of wellness where they offer comprehensive health care solutions. If you have pain and want treatment without using drugs, you can visit a chiropractor. Dr Brian Nantais offers chiropractic adjustments depending on different health complications.

To make the treatment process more effective, a chiropractor refuses the straight philosophy and relies more on critical thinking and evidence-based research. There are many adjustment processes, and a chiropractor is the best person to choose which one is effective for you. Every chiropractor believes that there is a fundamental connection between the spine and your health. It also shares a connection with your nervous system. So, spinal manipulation can treat an array of health issues, including irritable bowel syndrome and asthma.

Chiropractic treatment goes beyond pain management. If you suffer from any complications, visiting a chiropractor will be the best decision. They will not offer you medicines and treat your health using the adjustment techniques only. Meet Nantais Family Chiropractic for your health requirement. Since chiropractic is a safe approach, kids can also get advantages from this technique.

Elevation Health is a renowned Chiropractic Clinic in Tecumseh, Essex County and offers an array of treatment options for your health. We have a team of experienced chiropractors who treat your complications and give you relief from pain and other issues. Please contact us to know more.

Chiropractic adjustments are very effective if you have pain in your body. A chiropractor includes different approaches for your pain treatment. Read on to know more.

Chiropractic adjustments can heal many health complications, especially related to your pain. These adjustments are not only for your back but a chiropractor also performs these adjustments on your joints and muscles. You can consult with an experienced name for your health. Dr Brian Nantais is a licensed chiropractor and offers treatment for patients suffering from pain. A chiropractor takes care of your body’s alignment and improves your overall health. 

What is chiropractic adjustment:

A licensed chiropractor performs the adjustments on your joints using his/her hands or special instruments. This process is also known as spinal manipulation. With the adjustment techniques, you can reduce your body pain and improve your alignment. With the help of these adjustment techniques, a chiropractor treats many complications related to the nervous systems and your musculoskeletal systems. You can opt for chiropractic care for your lower back pain, headache, neck pain, muscle pains, and other joints pain. 

A chiropractor is a doctor of your musculoskeletal issues because he/she holds in-depth knowledge about your bones and muscles health. If you need any help regarding chiropractic treatment, consult with Nantais Family Chiropractic

What does a chiropractor do?

If you are suffering from pain, aches, strain, and other such complications, a chiropractor can offer you an alternative treatment choice. It does not offer you medicine to mask your pain. Instead, a chiropractor finds out the core problem and solves the complications to improve your overall health.

Some of the common approaches a chiropractor offers are:

  1. Soft tissue therapy: a chiropractor uses this technique to relax your tight muscles and relieves spasms and tensions.
  2. Adjustments: it realigns the joints to improve the range of motions.
  3. Joint bracing/taping: with this, a chiropractor supports joints and muscles.
  4. Exercises and stretches: a chiropractor also advises exercises and stretches to enhance mobility and the range of motions. 

Chiropractic treatment is a safe choice, and it does not cause many health issues. But, some people may experience soreness in their muscles and joints, and it is similar to the experience people feel after their exercise routine. This soreness also goes on its own after a few days.

If you think that a chiropractor would treat your back only, your knowledge is complete. A chiropractor can treat pain anywhere in your body, including in the head, jaws, shoulders, elbows, legs, and more. 

Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor, and he applies the best approach that gives you relief from pain. He searches for the root cause of your pain and takes care of your entire musculoskeletal structure. He not only improves the functions of the joints, but he also ensures that the performance of the muscles surrounding the joints is perfect. 

You can visit Elevation Health to get the best suggestions for your health. We have a team of experienced chiropractors, and patients of all ages can seek treatment for their health. From toddlers to older adults, we serve everyone. Please consult with us for more details. 

Spinal manipulation technique is one of the best health approaches to treat your pain. If you want to learn more about this technique, read on to know more.

Pain is inevitable in our lives. Although medicines are there to give you temporary relief, pain comes back after a few days. Spinal manipulation can offer permanent relief from pain issues. It is an alternative treatment approach commonly performed by a chiropractor. If you also suffer from pain, visit an experienced chiropractor and start your treatment. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor and has years of experience in the field. You can consult with him to find the best chiropractic care for your health. Spinal manipulation is the primary technique of chiropractic care. Here, we discuss the benefits of the technique for your health.

What is spinal manipulation:

Spinal manipulation or spinal manipulative therapy allows a chiropractor to move joints for releasing pressure on your joints and improving muscle functions. This treatment technique helps you reduce pain and inflammation.

This technique is performed at a chiropractor’s office as spinal manipulation is the foundation of chiropractic care. Find a licensed chiropractor to treat an array of complications, including back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and more.

Some chiropractors also go beyond the traditional treatment approaches and offer solutions for sinus issues and other painful complications.

Does it work?

Many studies prove its effectiveness in treating your back pain. Although, it needs further study to reflect the true value of this therapy. A study conducted in 2017 reveals that it is moderately effective in treating chronic pain in your lower back that lasts for two or more weeks.

Spinal manipulation is a safe technique when a licensed chiropractor performs it. Chiropractors have completed their educational programs to earn a license for carrying out the treatment for patients. You can search for the best chiropractor near me on search engines to get the best doctor’s name. Or, visit Nantais Family Chiropractic to get the best treatment.

A chiropractor will decide whether you need spinal manipulation or not. This treatment technique is not for everyone. Those who have osteoporosis and have a high risk of stroke should avoid spinal manipulation.

The benefits of spinal manipulation technique:

A chiropractor has earned special training to perform this technique on your health. So, always visit an experienced chiropractor who can help you with your pain treatment. Here are some of the best benefits of your spinal manipulation techniques.

Pain relief:

Spinal manipulation relieves your pain. It is one of the best chiropractic approaches for treating your lower back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, and more.

Enhance flexibility:

Spinal manipulation enhances your flexibility. A chiropractor also suggests some exercises that you can perform along with your treatment to improve flexibility.

Non-surgical choice:

Many people suffer from chronic, and no medicine can work. They opt for surgeries to treat the complication. But spinal manipulation helps you relieve your pain in a non-surgical way. A chiropractor performs the manipulation technique for your health, and it does not require any surgical option.

Choose the best chiropractic adjustments for your health. A licensed chiropractor will treat your pain without medicines. Visit Elevation Health to consult with an experienced chiropractor. Or search for the best chiropractic near me to discover experienced chiropractors in your area. If you live in Essex County, Elevation Health is there to help you.

Diversified technique includes a quick thrust on the restricted joints to improve its mobility. Learn more about this chiropractic technique.

A diversified technique is a popular chiropractic method to treat your pain. It needs an expert who has completed his educational programs in the chiropractic field. Although there is an argument regarding the discoverer of this method, its effectiveness does not include any doubts. If you are suffering from pain and other complications, you can consult with Dr Brian Nantais. He is an expert chiropractor and has been practicing for many years.

To apply this technique, one needs certification in the field. This chiropractic method is included in the chiropractic study itself. Some institutions have come up with a dedicated course on the advanced, diversified technique. It helps students learn more about the technique and how to apply it to the health of patients.

Diversified Technique:

The diversified Chiropractic Technique helps a chiropractor apply a short, quick thrust on the restricted join to restore its flexibility.

Basic technique principles:

A chiropractor applies this technique with three main objectives – restoring spinal alignment, repairing joint dysfunction, and enhancing proper movement.

Meet Dr Brian Nantais for your chiropractic care. This treatment approach is considered to be a safe choice for your health because it does not prescribe medicines for your pain treatment. No matter how severe the pain is, your chiropractor performs an adjustment on your spine to improve joint flexibility. The diversified technique proves to be very effective in treating certain pain complications, and they are:

Musculoskeletal disorder:

If you experience pain due to a musculoskeletal disorder, your chiropractor can take care of your health using this treatment approach.

Migraine headaches:

A study also proves that the diversified technique shows a positive result on migraine headaches. This technique helps doctors reduce the frequency and duration of the headache. It also reduces the disability of headaches also. Find the best chiropractic care for your health. You can visit a reputed name that can offer the best solution for your health issues.

Pregnancy-related issues:

Some women experience many complications such as back pain, restless sleep, and headaches. A chiropractor can offer the safest solution to pregnant women. Since it does not include medicines and other things that can harm health, the technique is safe for pregnant women.

Inward curvature of the neck:

The diversified technique can also be applied in treating the inward curvature of the neck along with the extension-compression traction.

Improve blood sugar control:

A study showcases that the diversified technique is very effective for controlling blood sugar levels. Chiropractic care is increasing its popularity and network day by day. People want to know more about the treatment technique because of its huge benefits on health.

Chiropractors perform spinal adjustments to restore your body functions. Any misalignment on your spine causes many health complications, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, and more. Search for the Best Chiropractor Near Me on Google and get the best healthcare choice.

Nantais Family Chiropractic has been in the field for many years and helps patients treat their complications. If you want to consult with us, please Elevation Health, a popular Chiropractic clinic in Tecumseh, Essex County.

Spinal decompression therapy needs a motorized table to stretching and relaxing your spine. Learn more about the therapy for your pain treatment. Read on to know more.

Spinal decompression therapy is one of the adjustment techniques used by a chiropractor. It is also a useful method to treat your back pain and other health complications. Spinal Decompression Therapy helps a chiropractor stretch your spine for treating your pain issues. Dr Brian Nantais is a renowned chiropractor and treats your health complications using the best chiropractic adjustment techniques. Visit Elevation Health to meet your chiropractor and treat different health complications. Please consult with us for more details about the chiropractic techniques.

A chiropractor uses a traction table or a similar device to perform spinal decompression therapy. Only an experienced chiropractor can treat your health issues because the therapy needs precision in the techniques. Spinal decompression needs an expert, so you can search for a Chiropractor Near Me on search engines to get the best name for your health.

Spinal decompression:

Spinal decompression therapy also follows the same approach as spinal traction. Both the treatment techniques are for relieving pain and treating the conditions like bulging, degenerating, and herniated disc. The benefits of spinal decompressions are many, especially aligning your spine.

If you go by the definition, you can extract some benefits from the details, which are mentioned below:

  1. The spinal decompression technique causes intradiscal pressure to positioning the herniated disc.
  2. Chiropractors apply a lower pressure in the discs that causes the productions of healing nutrients into the discs.

You need an experienced chiropractor for treating your health complications. Meet Dr Brian Nantais to get the best treatment for your chiropractic care. You can also visit Elevation Health to know more about chiropractic adjustments. 

The conventional theory makes us believe that this spinal decompression is an effective treatment method for your health. But, clinical evidence does not show much support to it. The treatment option needs further study to define any conclusion. 

How is it performed?

An experienced chiropractor stretches and relaxes your spine in a controlled manner. This process creates intradiscal pressure. During this therapy, patients lie on a motorized table, and the lower part of which can move. A chiropractor places a harness around your hip, and the harness is attached to the lower part of the table near your feet. The upper part of a patient’s body remains still, but the lower part slides back and forth for the traction and relaxation method.

Search for a well-known chiropractor near me on Google to get the best treatment. Chiropractic adjustment includes many methods. Spinal manipulation is very common since it is the core of the therapy. A chiropractor believes that a healthy spine is a key to happy health. So, aligning the spine can cure many health complications, especially related to your pain. 

Visit Nantais Family Chiropractic to learn more about your health issues. Our doctors will analyse your health and find the right treatment for you. Visit us to know more details. 

A flexion-distraction method is a chiropractic technique needed for treating an array of health complications. Read on to know more about chiropractic care.

The flexion-distraction technique needs a special table that helps a chiropractor distracts and flexes the spine in a rhythmic motion. This technique is great for treating symptomatic disc injury that has back and leg pain. This adjustment does not cause pain, and it is a comfortable treatment choice for those who have got recent injuries or are sensitive to other adjustments. Consult with an experienced chiropractor for this treatment approach. The best chiropractic treatment makes you feel relaxed and treat your pain in a safe way.

People experience muscles pain occasionally. Sometimes, it goes away on its own. For some people, pain becomes chronic pain and lasts longer than three months. Chiropractic treatment is an alternative choice for your pain management. The most popular method is still to take pain killers, which have many side effects, including nausea, dizziness, and more. So, a chiropractic adjustment is an effective treatment choice that keeps you protected from all side effects. Find the best chiropractic treatment for your health.

Flexion-distraction therapy:

 A chiropractor needs a segmented table to perform this therapy. When your chiropractor performs the adjustment on your spine, the table moves to keep the adjustment perfect. When a chiropractor applies this technique, the spine stretches and decompresses to treat the back, leg, and neck pain. You need a licensed chiropractor who knows how to use the treatment plan better for your health. 

When your chiropractor performs manipulations, the part of a treatment table moves to position the body for the adjustments. Your body drops, and the gravity enhances the treatment effectiveness to realign the spine. 

The benefits of the flexion-distraction treatment are many. We have explained things here for you:

  1. Releases pressure from your spinal nerve and discs
  2. Reduces the risk for herniated discs
  3. Improves the range of motions
  4. Help you improve your chronic back pain
  5. Relief stiffness
  6. Decreases your neck pain and headache
  7. Promote your disc health
  8. Relieve your pain and numbness

This treatment approach is effective for treating lumbar spinal stenosis. The condition happens when the spinal canal narrows and builds pressure on the nerves that communicate with the lower back and legs. It causes pain, weakness, and numbness also. 

For different problems:

The flexion-distraction technique is very useful for treating different types of back pain. Those who suffer from osteoarthritis can find relief from this treatment choice. Scoliosis patients can also improve their spinal movement. A chiropractor suggests this treatment for an array of health complications, including:

  1. Sacroiliac syndrome
  2. Ankylosing spondylitis 
  3. Sprains and strains

This treatment method is also very helpful if you are suffering from knee pain. You need an experienced chiropractor who has in-depth knowledge of different chiropractic techniques. 

If you are searching for Chiropractic Adjustment Near Me on Google, you can visit Elevation Health. It is a trusted healthcare centre where you get treatment for different health issues. Please contact us to know more. 

The Thompson drop-table technique is one of the common adjustment methods, and it needs a special certification course to perform. Read on to know more.

Thompson Drop-Table Technique is one of the chiropractic techniques used by a licensed chiropractor for your pain management. A chiropractor uses a specially designed table made of a padded platform along with the drop mechanism. So, when a chiropractor applies a quick thrust on patients, he/she gets dropped a few inches. It helps in the adjustment process. You need to find the best chiropractic treatment for your health. An experienced chiropractor always takes care of your health in the best way.

Chiropractic adjustment can be performed in so many ways, and the drop-table technique is one of them. Before visiting a chiropractor, you must know how different adjustment techniques are done by a chiropractor. Remember that you always have the right to ask your doctor about the benefits and risks of the treatment before starting your chiropractic care. Here, we explain the table-drop chiropractic care for your health.


This treatment technique came into use in chiropractic adjustments in the early 1950s. But at that time, doctors were not allowed to use this technique on patients. When Palmer-Thompson drop headpiece and a table with drop got patented in 1955 and 1957, chiropractors started using this treatment option.


Chiropractors learned this technique from chiropractic schools. But getting licensed in this technique needs a course on this method with an exam. Although, chiropractors need to go through the re-certification process to maintain their certifications.

Technique descriptions:

The technique uses a drop table that allows chiropractors to apply high-velocity, low-amplitude, and low-force adjustments. Doctors use less force for adjusting your spine and muscle. This has become a common method for analyzing cervical and pelvic movements using the leg-length method. You need to find the best chiropractic care for your health.

Visit Elevation Health if you are looking for chiropractic treatment in Tecumseh. An experienced chiropractor applies this technique with great care.

Pregnancy Care:

Chiropractors use this technique for pregnancy care also. It is the most used method for the wellness of pregnant women. It decreases pain and restores body functions in their health. The other benefits of this method can be reducing numbness, decreasing headaches, improving your digestive functions, and more.

Pediatric wellness:

A study also revealed that the Thompson technique is a common technique for the health and wellness of kids under the age of 18. It is even a safe approach for your kid’s health.

Chronic back pain:

A chiropractor also uses a Thompson table-drop technique for treating back pain. It is also one of the most effective treatment options.

Inward neck curvature:

A study also shows that this technique, along with the diversified technique, has a great impact in treating inward neck curvature.

The risk of the technique is very rare. You can ask your chiropractor about this method to get more detailed knowledge. Keep reading our blogs to know more about chiropractic care. Get the best Chiropractic Adjustment at Elevation Health. Our experienced chiropractor treats your health issue very well. Please contact us to know more about our services.