The philosophy of chiropractic care includes details of its conceptual beliefs and how the treatment is evolved with time. Read on to know more.

Chiropractic care is an alternative approach to your pain treatment. These days, many people want chiropractic treatment to get relief from pain and other complications. We have already talked about different chiropractic methodologies, and how it is beneficial for your health. Here, we are going to discuss the philosophy of chiropractic. If you are searching for the best name, search for a chiropractor near me on the search engines. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced name and has offered chiropractic care for many years. Please consult with us for more details.

Chiropractic care is a complementary or alternative medicine that concentrates on manipulating your spine. D. D. Palmer is the founder of this chiropractic technique, and he claimed the therapy ‘a science of healing without drugs.

Chiropractic care lies on the concept of traditional medicine of bone settling, a practice of joint manipulation performed by osteopaths and physical therapists before the introduction of chiropractic care. This treatment approach has seen many changes since its inception, and as it evolves, it includes other therapy choices such as vitalism, spiritual inspiration, and rationalism.

Remember that chiropractors are not medical doctors who prescribe medicines for the treatment. They have licensed practitioners for performing chiropractic techniques to treat your musculoskeletal disorder. When we are discussing the philosophy of chiropractic care, you must know that it rejects the inferential reasoning of scientific methods. Inferential is a step in the process of reasoning, moving from premises to the conclusion. However, chiropractic care has changed its thought over time and introduces new approaches for you. These days, chiropractors work with scientific research and come up with many essential ideas and treatment options for treating problems. They offer a holistic paradigm of wellness where they offer comprehensive health care solutions. If you have pain and want treatment without using drugs, you can visit a chiropractor. Dr Brian Nantais offers chiropractic adjustments depending on different health complications.

To make the treatment process more effective, a chiropractor refuses the straight philosophy and relies more on critical thinking and evidence-based research. There are many adjustment processes, and a chiropractor is the best person to choose which one is effective for you. Every chiropractor believes that there is a fundamental connection between the spine and your health. It also shares a connection with your nervous system. So, spinal manipulation can treat an array of health issues, including irritable bowel syndrome and asthma.

Chiropractic treatment goes beyond pain management. If you suffer from any complications, visiting a chiropractor will be the best decision. They will not offer you medicines and treat your health using the adjustment techniques only. Meet Nantais Family Chiropractic for your health requirement. Since chiropractic is a safe approach, kids can also get advantages from this technique.

Elevation Health is a renowned Chiropractic Clinic in Tecumseh, Essex County and offers an array of treatment options for your health. We have a team of experienced chiropractors who treat your complications and give you relief from pain and other issues. Please contact us to know more.

A flexion-distraction method is a chiropractic technique needed for treating an array of health complications. Read on to know more about chiropractic care.

The flexion-distraction technique needs a special table that helps a chiropractor distracts and flexes the spine in a rhythmic motion. This technique is great for treating symptomatic disc injury that has back and leg pain. This adjustment does not cause pain, and it is a comfortable treatment choice for those who have got recent injuries or are sensitive to other adjustments. Consult with an experienced chiropractor for this treatment approach. The best chiropractic treatment makes you feel relaxed and treat your pain in a safe way.

People experience muscles pain occasionally. Sometimes, it goes away on its own. For some people, pain becomes chronic pain and lasts longer than three months. Chiropractic treatment is an alternative choice for your pain management. The most popular method is still to take pain killers, which have many side effects, including nausea, dizziness, and more. So, a chiropractic adjustment is an effective treatment choice that keeps you protected from all side effects. Find the best chiropractic treatment for your health.

Flexion-distraction therapy:

 A chiropractor needs a segmented table to perform this therapy. When your chiropractor performs the adjustment on your spine, the table moves to keep the adjustment perfect. When a chiropractor applies this technique, the spine stretches and decompresses to treat the back, leg, and neck pain. You need a licensed chiropractor who knows how to use the treatment plan better for your health. 

When your chiropractor performs manipulations, the part of a treatment table moves to position the body for the adjustments. Your body drops, and the gravity enhances the treatment effectiveness to realign the spine. 

The benefits of the flexion-distraction treatment are many. We have explained things here for you:

  1. Releases pressure from your spinal nerve and discs
  2. Reduces the risk for herniated discs
  3. Improves the range of motions
  4. Help you improve your chronic back pain
  5. Relief stiffness
  6. Decreases your neck pain and headache
  7. Promote your disc health
  8. Relieve your pain and numbness

This treatment approach is effective for treating lumbar spinal stenosis. The condition happens when the spinal canal narrows and builds pressure on the nerves that communicate with the lower back and legs. It causes pain, weakness, and numbness also. 

For different problems:

The flexion-distraction technique is very useful for treating different types of back pain. Those who suffer from osteoarthritis can find relief from this treatment choice. Scoliosis patients can also improve their spinal movement. A chiropractor suggests this treatment for an array of health complications, including:

  1. Sacroiliac syndrome
  2. Ankylosing spondylitis 
  3. Sprains and strains

This treatment method is also very helpful if you are suffering from knee pain. You need an experienced chiropractor who has in-depth knowledge of different chiropractic techniques. 

If you are searching for Chiropractic Adjustment Near Me on Google, you can visit Elevation Health. It is a trusted healthcare centre where you get treatment for different health issues. Please contact us to know more. 

The Thompson drop-table technique is one of the common adjustment methods, and it needs a special certification course to perform. Read on to know more.

Thompson Drop-Table Technique is one of the chiropractic techniques used by a licensed chiropractor for your pain management. A chiropractor uses a specially designed table made of a padded platform along with the drop mechanism. So, when a chiropractor applies a quick thrust on patients, he/she gets dropped a few inches. It helps in the adjustment process. You need to find the best chiropractic treatment for your health. An experienced chiropractor always takes care of your health in the best way.

Chiropractic adjustment can be performed in so many ways, and the drop-table technique is one of them. Before visiting a chiropractor, you must know how different adjustment techniques are done by a chiropractor. Remember that you always have the right to ask your doctor about the benefits and risks of the treatment before starting your chiropractic care. Here, we explain the table-drop chiropractic care for your health.


This treatment technique came into use in chiropractic adjustments in the early 1950s. But at that time, doctors were not allowed to use this technique on patients. When Palmer-Thompson drop headpiece and a table with drop got patented in 1955 and 1957, chiropractors started using this treatment option.


Chiropractors learned this technique from chiropractic schools. But getting licensed in this technique needs a course on this method with an exam. Although, chiropractors need to go through the re-certification process to maintain their certifications.

Technique descriptions:

The technique uses a drop table that allows chiropractors to apply high-velocity, low-amplitude, and low-force adjustments. Doctors use less force for adjusting your spine and muscle. This has become a common method for analyzing cervical and pelvic movements using the leg-length method. You need to find the best chiropractic care for your health.

Visit Elevation Health if you are looking for chiropractic treatment in Tecumseh. An experienced chiropractor applies this technique with great care.

Pregnancy Care:

Chiropractors use this technique for pregnancy care also. It is the most used method for the wellness of pregnant women. It decreases pain and restores body functions in their health. The other benefits of this method can be reducing numbness, decreasing headaches, improving your digestive functions, and more.

Pediatric wellness:

A study also revealed that the Thompson technique is a common technique for the health and wellness of kids under the age of 18. It is even a safe approach for your kid’s health.

Chronic back pain:

A chiropractor also uses a Thompson table-drop technique for treating back pain. It is also one of the most effective treatment options.

Inward neck curvature:

A study also shows that this technique, along with the diversified technique, has a great impact in treating inward neck curvature.

The risk of the technique is very rare. You can ask your chiropractor about this method to get more detailed knowledge. Keep reading our blogs to know more about chiropractic care. Get the best Chiropractic Adjustment at Elevation Health. Our experienced chiropractor treats your health issue very well. Please contact us to know more about our services.

The diversified technique is used for restoring your spinal alignment and improving your motion. We have discussed many things about the treatment here. Read on to know more.

A chiropractor uses different treatment choices for your health. We all know about spinal manipulation, but chiropractic adjustment is much more, and it includes a wide variety of adjustment methods. Here, you will learn about the Diversified Technique, which is one of the most common adjustment techniques used by a chiropractor. Always visit an experienced chiropractor for your treatment. Find the best chiropractic treatment in Tecumseh and get complete relief from your pain and other issues.

What is a diversified technique?

The diversified technique has three main purposes – restoring spinal alignment, repairing joint function, and ensuring proper movement and mobility. Here, a chiropractor uses hands-on thrust to restore your spinal alignment and improve a range of motions for your health. You need an experienced chiropractor who can precisely perform this technique to enhance your health. 

Your chiropractor puts pressure manually on the affected vertebral area to improve the functions. It is a safe and effective treatment. Patients sometimes hear the popping noise during this adjustment process because the gas in the joints gets released.

What are processes used in diversified techniques:

As the name says, the diversified technique involves a range of adjustment options. All these techniques are used for correcting your vertebral conditions. It includes delivering a quick thrust on the affected area of your spine by hand or assistance with a table. Search for the best Chiropractic Clinic Near Me on Google, and choose the best name. 

It is a type of high-velocity, low-amplitude adjustment, and the technique needs complete precision for performing. A chiropractor measures a precise angle, depth, directions, and speed for correcting the alignment. Anyone cannot perform this technique since it requires years of experience, education, and diagnostic expertise. Find the best Chiropractic Treatment in Tecumseh to enhance your body’s performance. 

How safe is the technique?

The diversified technique is a safe approach for your health, and it is believed by the broader medical community in general. This treatment choice is one of the common techniques, and it is used by a majority of chiropractors. Our doctors perform a thorough analysis of your spine before performing the treatment. They even suggest checking X-Rays to get a proper idea about your health. Only experienced chiropractors can perform this technique. 

Does it hurt?

The diversified technique is painless and comfortable. Patients will feel relief from this treatment. It may cause mild muscle soreness after the treatment, but it does not stay for long. 

Using the diversified technique, our doctors improve your musculoskeletal structure. It also helps you stay relaxed and comfortable. The other benefits the treatment will offer you are:

  1. Neck pain
  2. Back pain
  3. Headache
  4. Rib pain
  5. Chronic condition
  6. Sports injuries.

If you are looking for the best chiropractic care, you can visit Elevation Health. We have experienced chiropractors who will treat your complication perfectly. We offer the best Chiropractic Treatment in Tecumseh

Gonstead technique is a hands-on approach where a chiropractor employs force to align your spine and improve your body balance. Read on to know more.

A chiropractor uses different adjustment methods for restoring the imbalances in our bodies. A Gonstead technique is one of them. It is the most common adjustment technique, and it is even included in the early study of chiropractic education. If you are suffering from pain related issues, you can opt for the best chiropractic treatment. Only a licensed doctor can decide which treatment option is the best for your health.

What is the Gonstead technique?

A chiropractor employs this technique to treat complications in the low back or pelvis area. It is a hands-on technique used for realigning joints, reducing pain and stiffness, and increasing mobility. It is a universal technique when it comes to chiropractic care.

This technique helps a chiropractor focus more on the structural foundation of the body and the conditions of the intervertebral disc. It is needed for finding out the affected area of your health. A chiropractor examines the entire musculoskeletal structure and identifies the problem-causing area.

Generally, the pain has many reasons to happen, and among them are spinal misalignment, nerve dysfunction, foundational imbalance, and motion disturbance are very common.

Adjustments are designed to restore the functions of the spine and improve optimal movements. The Gonstead technique is an old adjustment technique, and it is considered to be the complete method for your chiropractic adjustment.

If you are searching for Chiropractic Clinic Near Me on Google, you will get clinic choices in your area. Chiropractic treatment is emerging as an alternative treatment approach for your pain management. Using pain killers cause many health issues, and it may increase the chances of opioid addiction and drug dependence. Chiropractic care is safe for your health as a doctor adjusts your spine to enhance your body’s ability to fight against different health complications.

For performing the Gonstead technique, your doctor should have mastery over the skills. It needs practicing to apply the right technique for your health. When a doctor uses this technique, he/she analyzes and reveals spinal, pelvic, and neurological effects. He/she also concentrates on vertebral subluxation and patients overall health.

Gonstead chiropractors use complex spinal analysis to get in-depth knowledge about your health. Some of the techniques are mentioned below:

X-Ray Analysis:

It helps the chiropractor visualizes the entire spinal structure with posture, joint and disc integrity, and misalignments.

Observation of the body movement:

A chiropractor attentively checks a patient’s body movement to identify the problem area. It is a very common method that chiropractors perform during adjustment sessions.


Using the Nervoscope, Gonstead chiropractors check the nerve pressure on the spine. Always visit an experienced chiropractor for your health.

Motion palpation:

Using this method, a chiropractor feels the spine while patients move and bend in certain directions. It is a common technique to find out the problem area.

Static palpation:

Static palpation involves checking the spine in a stationary position. This is another important technique that supports Gonstead chiropractic care.

When you search for Chiropractic Adjustment Near Me on search engines, you may get an array of options for your health. Choose an experienced chiropractor or a reputed clinic. You can visit Elevation Health in Tecumseh. We have the best team of chiropractors who have been in the fields for many years. If you have any queries, please consult us.

spinal manipulation technique is one of the common approaches used by a chiropractor for pain treatment. Please read the content to know more about spinal manipulation and chiropractic care.

Spinal manipulation is one of the best techniques used by chiropractors to treat your pain and other complications. There are many techniques used by a chiropractor for improving your health, and spinal manipulation is a common technique. You need an experienced chiropractor for treating your health. Get the Best Chiropractic Treatment and improve your health. 

The goal of chiropractic care is to enhance your body’s healing power. Through the adjustments, you can enhance joint functions and reduce inflammation. Spinal manipulation is one of the approaches used by a chiropractor for your pain treatment. It involves the use of force for your pain treatment. Spinal mobilization is another technique that is gentler than spinal manipulation. If you are looking for a Chiropractic Clinic in Tecumseh, you can contact Elevation Health. It is a renowned place where you get advanced approaches for your pain treatment.

Spinal manipulation:

Spinal manipulation is the primary technique used by a chiropractor, and it also involves diversified techniques, including high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust. Here, you will learn more about different techniques used in spinal manipulation. Always visit an experienced chiropractor who has in-depth knowledge about your spinal manipulation. 

Chiropractic manipulation:

An experienced chiropractor will decide which treatment choice proves to be the best thing for your health. They also concentrate on forceful and less forceful spinal adjustment techniques. You may go through a course of treatment that includes 6 to 10 visits to a patient.

Spinal manipulation (high velocity and low-amplitude thrust):

It is the commonly used chiropractic treatment where a chiropractor applies controllable, sudden force on your joints. You are asked to sit or lie specifically while your doctor performs the technique on you. Sometimes, you may hear popping sounds also. 

This treatment approach may help you recover from back, mid-back, and neck pain. a study has also revealed that spinal manipulation technique proves to be very effective in other health conditions also, and they are:

  1. Migraine
  2. Cervicogenic headaches
  3. Neck pain
  4. Upper and lower extremity joint conditions
  5. Whiplash associated disorder

Spinal mobilization:

Sometimes, patients need a gentler approach for the adjustment due to their health conditions. It is another popular adjustment technique that does not include twisting your body.

So, these are common spinal manipulation techniques used by a chiropractor. But, chiropractic care goes beyond it also. Your doctors may apply adjunctive therapy also for your health. It includes ice or heat therapies and physical modalities, such as ultrasound. A patient must consult with a doctor and discuss his/her complication without hiding anything. The better you discuss your health complications, the higher the success rate of your treatment will be.

Spinal manipulation can also be used by osteopathic physicians. It includes different types of spinal adjustments. The technique also helps physical therapists and physiatrists to help patients treat their health issues. 

If you need any help, you can visit Elevation Health, a renowned Chiropractic Clinic in Tecumseh. We have experienced chiropractors to treat your health conditions in a safe way. Please contact us to know more. 

If you have ever visited a chiropractor for back or neck pain, you might experience that your chiropractors talk about your posture. You may be asked to provide details regarding the type of job you have, how long you sit or stand

If you have ever visited a chiropractor for back or neck pain, you might experience that your chiropractors talk about your posture. You may be asked to provide details regarding the type of job you have, how long you sit or stand, and so many. A chiropractor gathers all details to understand your posture and its relation to the pain. After this, your doctor will observe you physically and plan the best chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractors have been increasing their demands, and many people use chiropractors near me keywords to get the best clinic for a chiropractic adjustment.

Elevation Health is a popular Chiropractic Clinic in Tecumseh. We have a team of experienced doctors who help you get the best solutions for your healthy spine. If you experience any discomfort and pain, our chiropractors will offer you the best solution for your health.

Researches have proven that your bad posture has many negative impacts on your health, especially on your spine.

Back and joint pain:

Long hours of sitting in one position can impose stress on your joints, ligaments, and muscles. If you sit for long hours before your computer, you cannot avoid back pain issues. Take a regular break from your tasks and move, leaving your chair and desks. It will help you release pressure from your back, neck, and knees. Get the best Chiropractic Treatment for your health and solve all your health complications.

Increased stress level:

When your sitting posture is wrong, it increases cortisol and testosterone in your body. You can practice yoga and deep breathing exercises to reduce your stress level. You can also consult with a chiropractor for your treatment.

Sedentary lifestyle:

When you live a sedentary lifestyle, it also lowers your life expectancy. Many health experts also believe that a sedentary lifestyle is as dangerous as smoking. Concentrate on your posture when it comes to your health. Adjust your TV or computer at your eye level, reducing the slumped posture. Stay active and avoid bad posture habits like sitting with crossed legs.

Muscle pain:

When you perform repetitive tasks in a single position, it causes the chances of injury. Your sleeping posture also has negative effects on your health. the most common health condition is chronic pain. The solution to this problem is to avoid tight neck muscles and unusual aches.

How does a chiropractor help you in your posture?

A chiropractor with some adjustment therapies helps you correct your posture. At Elevation Health, chiropractors will ask questions about your health and posture. Then, they observe your posture, which helps them identify the root cause of your incorrect posture. When they identify the problems, they seek the best ways to treat the complications.

A chiropractor performs adjustments, and they also work for your bones and muscles to offer a complete solution.

Search for the Chiropractic Adjustment Near Me and get the best clinic options for your health. Elevation health is a well-known Chiropractic Clinic in Tecumseh. If you live in Essex County, our chiropractic clinic is near you.

Chiropractic adjustment has become very common these days, but when it was first introduced, chiropractors experienced many difficulties. Even they were jailed for a treatment that was unknown to the conventional medical

Chiropractic adjustment has become very common these days, but when it was first introduced, chiropractors experienced many difficulties. Even they were jailed for a treatment that was unknown to the conventional medical professionals. So, we discuss some interesting stories of chiropractic practice here. Even today, many people are not aware of the benefits of chiropractic treatment. If you want to know more details about the chiropractic practice, you can visit a chiropractic clinic near you. Chiropractic adjustment has many health benefits because the approach is holistic to your health.

The introduction of chiropractic adjustment:

Chiropractic treatment is as old as the time of Greek philosophers. Even Hippocrates also mentioned that the knowledge of the spine is necessary for many diseases. The chiropractic adjustment started as early as in the late 1800s when Daniel David Palmer, a self-educated Canadian teacher and a healer living in the US, performed the first manipulation technique on a deaf janitor to restore his hearing ability. The story is also interesting to learn.

Harvey Lillard was the first patient of Daniel David Palmer. Harvey Lillard was a janitor and walking in the palmer’s building. Lillard is completely deaf and explained his story to Palmer about his problem. He explained that one day he heard a popping sound in his upper back, and since then, he lost his hearing ability.

Palmer was a practitioner of magnet therapy, and he had deep knowledge in anatomy and how the spine interacted with the body’s rest of the system. He understood that the popping sound in Lillard’s back and his inability of hearing had a strong connection with each other.

He decided to examine the Lillard’s back to find out the problem. During this examination, he found a problem in one of the vertebrae in the spine. Palmer adjusted the vertebrae, and Lillard also got back his hearing ability.

Palmer did not stop there and explored more things about the spinal adjustment. He researched very well and found that spinal manipulation could be an effective solution for pain management and other complications.

He started offering hand treatments for treating different types of health conditions, including sciatica, migraine, headaches, stomach issues, epilepsy, and more. In 1898, he established Palmer School and Infirmary of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, and offered chiropractic treatment teaching to others.

Initial issue:

The initial phase was not very smooth because the conventional allopathic medicine refused palmer’s all theories of treatment and called him a ‘quack’. The struggle was so much so that he even had to spend time in jail because of practicing medicine without a license.

Research has been conducted on him, and it revealed he was truly knowledgeable in the technique and education he was practicing. His huge collection in the library revealed he updated his knowledge with new theories.

Chiropractic in the era:

Chiropractic adjustment is a licensed practice in the US, Canadian provinces, most European countries, Australia, and New Zealand. Although chiropractic root is in North America, the treatment gets wide acceptance from all corners of the world.  Medical and legal fields also accepted chiropractic treatment because of its exceptional benefits on our health.

If you are looking for the best chiropractic treatment, you can visit us to get the right answer for your health complications. Elevation Health is a trusted Chiropractic Clinic in Tecumseh offering treatment for a wide range of health issues. If you are in Essex County, Elevation Health is always for you. Please visit us to know more.

Chiropractic treatment has been in the medical field for a long, and it gradually spreads its area worldwide. It is an alternative treatment choice where patients do not take any medicines for treating their issues.

Chiropractic treatment has been in the medical field for a long, and it gradually spreads its area worldwide. It is an alternative treatment choice where patients do not take any medicines for treating their issues. Chiropractors perform different musculoskeletal adjustments depending on your health complications. But, many people are still confused about whether chiropractors are equally good as other doctors like orthopedic doctors. They are unaware of the alignment of bones and how it benefits their health. If you search for a chiropractor near me, Elevation Health can clear your all doubts. We have the best team of chiropractors specializing in treating pain in different parts of the body. Please consult with us for more details.

What is chiropractic care?

People have many misconceptions about chiropractic treatment, which stops patients from seeking help from a chiropractor. We try to clear them one by one to help you more about the treatment choices.

Chiropractors are medical professionals who align the spine using their hands or different instruments for offering relief to patients. Their only goal is to address and treat the problems in your musculoskeletal structure and the nervous system. Chiropractors believe that the misalignment in the spine disturbs the central nervous system, which also interrupts many functions in your body. So, aligning the spine can solve the problem related to pain and other health complications.

Those thinking about the education qualification of chiropractors can clear their views by further reading the blog. A chiropractor has earned a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from a reputed and accredited institution. For this degree, a person must complete an undergraduate degree with a specialization in science. They also passed the four-year healthcare degree from a healthcare school.

Medical doctors have different specializations, and so have chiropractors. Different studies of chiropractic care are neurology, sports medicine, nutrition, paediatrics, and diagnostic imaging, and chiropractors get comprehensive knowledge on these fields during their 2-3 years of additional residency.

Elevation Health is a chiropractic wellness center where you get treatment for every complication. Visit us and share your health issues with our doctors. They will first understand your problem and then offer the right treatment plan according to your health.

Treatment area:

Chiropractors concentrate on your spine and nervous system primarily, but they also treat problems in soft tissues, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and more. Generally, people visit a chiropractor for pain treatment in the back, neck, arms, legs, and more.

A pregnancy Chiropractor is popular because he/she offers pain treatment to release stress on muscles and bones. Pregnant women cannot take medicines, but this treatment choice is a comparatively safe option for their health.

Chiropractors can also treat a wide range of options, from digestive issues to colic in infants. Our chiropractors also help patients adopt a preventive approach to their health.

 Benefits and risks of chiropractic treatment:

Chiropractic treatment is a safe choice, and many studies have proven this fact. Treatments for back pain, sudden injury due to moving furniture or other reasons, acute back pain, and more complications have a higher success rate.

Studies also reveal that chiropractic care has a proven benefit for neck pain and headaches. But some cautions are also there that people must know when it comes to chiropractic treatment. People with osteoporosis, spinal cord compression, inflammatory arthritis, or blood-thinning issue must avoid spinal manipulation. People who have a past history of cancer must get clearance from medical doctors before spinal manipulation.

Contact Elevation Health and get the best treatment for your pain. We are a well-known Chiropractic Wellness Center where you will be treated with the best treatment approaches. Contact us to know more.