
What is Flexion-Distraction Method in Chiropractic Care?

A flexion-distraction method is a chiropractic technique needed for treating an array of health complications. Read on to know more about chiropractic care.

What is Flexion-Distraction Method in Chiropractic Care?

The flexion-distraction technique needs a special table that helps a chiropractor distracts and flexes the spine in a rhythmic motion. This technique is great for treating symptomatic disc injury that has back and leg pain. This adjustment does not cause pain, and it is a comfortable treatment choice for those who have got recent injuries or are sensitive to other adjustments. Consult with an experienced chiropractor for this treatment approach. The best chiropractic treatment makes you feel relaxed and treat your pain in a safe way.

People experience muscles pain occasionally. Sometimes, it goes away on its own. For some people, pain becomes chronic pain and lasts longer than three months. Chiropractic treatment is an alternative choice for your pain management. The most popular method is still to take pain killers, which have many side effects, including nausea, dizziness, and more. So, a chiropractic adjustment is an effective treatment choice that keeps you protected from all side effects. Find the best chiropractic treatment for your health.

Flexion-distraction therapy:

 A chiropractor needs a segmented table to perform this therapy. When your chiropractor performs the adjustment on your spine, the table moves to keep the adjustment perfect. When a chiropractor applies this technique, the spine stretches and decompresses to treat the back, leg, and neck pain. You need a licensed chiropractor who knows how to use the treatment plan better for your health. 

When your chiropractor performs manipulations, the part of a treatment table moves to position the body for the adjustments. Your body drops, and the gravity enhances the treatment effectiveness to realign the spine. 

The benefits of the flexion-distraction treatment are many. We have explained things here for you:

  1. Releases pressure from your spinal nerve and discs
  2. Reduces the risk for herniated discs
  3. Improves the range of motions
  4. Help you improve your chronic back pain
  5. Relief stiffness
  6. Decreases your neck pain and headache
  7. Promote your disc health
  8. Relieve your pain and numbness

This treatment approach is effective for treating lumbar spinal stenosis. The condition happens when the spinal canal narrows and builds pressure on the nerves that communicate with the lower back and legs. It causes pain, weakness, and numbness also. 

For different problems:

The flexion-distraction technique is very useful for treating different types of back pain. Those who suffer from osteoarthritis can find relief from this treatment choice. Scoliosis patients can also improve their spinal movement. A chiropractor suggests this treatment for an array of health complications, including:

  1. Sacroiliac syndrome
  2. Ankylosing spondylitis 
  3. Sprains and strains

This treatment method is also very helpful if you are suffering from knee pain. You need an experienced chiropractor who has in-depth knowledge of different chiropractic techniques. 

If you are searching for Chiropractic Adjustment Near Me on Google, you can visit Elevation Health. It is a trusted healthcare centre where you get treatment for different health issues. Please contact us to know more. 

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