
Some Common Misconceptions About Chiropractic Treatment

Don’t believe in the misconceptions about Chiropractic Treatment. Reach out to Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada for the best treatment.

Some Common Misconceptions About Chiropractic Treatment

If long-standing back tightness or neuropathy flare-ups negatively impact mobility, chiropractic adjustments bring non-invasive relief, realigning spinal function. However, misinformation still abounds, leaving patients skeptical and prioritizing pharmaceuticals over pursuing hands-on approaches as a first-line therapy strategy. This blog will separate facts from prevalent fiction, clouding public perception of key concerns. Before diving into the discussion, if you are looking for the best Chiropractic Treatment, reach out to Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada.

Now, let’s have a look at the detailed discussion:-

  1. It’s Not Just Fancy Massage Therapy
  2. You Don’t Need Constant Ongoing Treatments
  3. It Addresses Whole Body Balance
  4. Effectiveness Extends Beyond Back Pain
  5. Most Insurance Plans cover it
  6. Appropriate Even In Early and Late Pregnancy
  7. Serious Risks Prove Extremely Rare
  8. It Works Alongside Medication If Needed 

It’s Not Just Fancy Massage Therapy:

While sharing some circulation-boosting benefits with clinical massage modalities, Chiropractic Care targets specific mechanically dysfunctional vertebral segments. Then, it employs controlled manual techniques, including swift, targeted thrusts that help stuck joints resume pain-free mobility patterns. This structural realignment goes beyond simply soothing temporarily sore muscles through rubbing alone. 

You Don’t Need Constant Ongoing Treatments:

Skeptics envision never-ending bi-weekly adjustments indefinitely, maintaining effects similar to tedious dental cleanings. However, most patients attend intensified treatment schedules for the first 2-3 months to alleviate painful vertebral fixations and muscle spasms, with the goal of gradually progressing toward just periodic maintenance check-ins as acute issues resolve, and functionality improves long-term. Think phases, not forever. 

It Addresses Whole Body Balance:

Rather than narrowly focusing on back and neck complaints, chiropractors appreciate the complex interrelation between all physiological systems influenced by nervous system flow. Custom treatment addresses root mechanical and nutritional contributors such as poor digestion, headaches, hormone imbalance or chronic inflammation beyond obvious mobility complaints. 

Effectiveness Extends Beyond Back Pain:

Clinical studies conclude chiropractic adjustments meaningfully improve the range of motion while lessening reliance on medication across various chronic health conditions, including arthritis, neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, infertility and inner ear disturbances. Nervous system influence remains far-reaching, so positive impacts reflect accordingly. 

Most Insurance Plans cover it:

Since research substantiates effectiveness for common musculoskeletal complaints, many policies now cover several Chiropractic visits annually, either embedded within health plan coverage or accessed through affordable riders. Verify your plan specifics through provider portals or check whether flexible spending accounts reimburse chiropractic treatments. 

Appropriate Even In Early and Late Pregnancy:

While spinal manipulation gets avoided in the first/last trimester due to hormone-related joint laxity, modified low-force techniques offer safe, effective support throughout pregnancy. Gentle interventions like exercise ball positioning open space, relieving back tension and compressed nerves, giving expecting mothers needed comfort in continuing active nesting. 

Serious Risks Prove Extremely Rare:

Beyond temporary soreness occasionally felt immediately post-adjustment, much like starting a new workout regimen, complications like stroke or neurological defects occur very rarely at 1 per 5.85 million appointments, according to comprehensive scientific literature reviews on incidents. Patients experiencing underlying spinal fractures, cancers or aneurysms undergo proper triage first. 

It Works Alongside Medication If Needed:

Responsible chiropractors never insist their services miraculously replace all pharmaceutical interventions outright since combinations often deliver optimal outcomes. However, gently addressing mechanical root issues first frequently lowers or even eliminates dosage requirements, which benefits patients in the long run. Chiropractic Care fine-tunes foundations supporting overall wellness. 

Final Note

Now that common misperceptions around safety, cost and scope stand corrected, consider booking an assessment. The potential to restore treasured daily functioning you assumed slipping away permanently absolutely exists without resorting directly to daunting surgery risks or side effect-laden scripts off the bat. You deserve lasting optimal health with chiropractic’s assistance. If you are looking for the best Chiropractic Treatment, visit Dr Brian Nantais, a skilled chiropractor at Elevation Health, Canada.

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