
Some Methods Used By Chiropractors To Treat Lower Back Pain

Ease your lower back pain with proper chiropractic methods performed by Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada. Contact Nantais Family Chiropractic today.

Some Methods Used By Chiropractors To Treat Lower Back Pain

The lumbar spine and pelvis are the source of lower back pain, and injuries to these muscles or spinal joints are the main causes of pain. These injuries frequently result from sports, weight lifting, falls, uncomfortable postures, or lifting heavy objects. This kind of lower back discomfort can significantly affect your life. But do you know that Chiropractic Care can help you treat your lower back pain? Yes, proper Chiropractic Adjustment from a licensed and skilled chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada.

Nantais Family Chiropractic offers the best lower back pain treatment through proper chiropractic adjustments. Please contact us today if you wish to alleviate your back pain with Chiro care.

Here are some techniques chiropractors employ to treat back pain. Let’s dive into the detailed discussion:-

  1. Chiropractic adjustments
  2. Spinal decompression therapy
  3. Mobilization
  4. Soft Tissue Therapy
  5. Lifestyle management

Chiropractic adjustments:

Chiropractors from Nantais Family Chiropractic manage lower back discomfort effectively with chiropractic adjustments. Patients are given a safe, non-invasive alternative therapy option through routine Chiro adjustments. Chiropractic adjustments correct joint limitations (misalignments) in the spine and other joints throughout the body, reducing pain and enhancing the nervous system and joint function. The body can better control the symptoms of lower back pain by promoting spinal health, increasing joint mobility, and improving nervous system function.

Spinal decompression therapy:

Chiropractors use a traction table in spinal decompression therapy to stretch the spine, focusing on the spinal discs. It induces negative intradiscal pressure to encourage disc herniation, bulge retraction, or relocation. In addition, it lowers the disc’s pressure, which improves blood flow and increases the flow of nutrients, oxygen, and other chemicals that hasten the healing process.


This method targets the lower back’s surrounding joints and muscles with mild, repetitive movements. The damaged area’s range of motion and flexibility is gradually increased by the chiropractors like Dr Brian Nantais using their hands. Chiropractors perform mobilization when a patient’s condition calls for a more delicate approach than spinal manipulation.

Soft Tissue Therapy:

Chiropractors may use different soft tissue treatments to treat lower back pain. These may consist of the following:-

  1. Massage therapy
  2. Trigger Point Therapy
  3. Myofascial Release

Massage therapy:

Chiropractors use their hands or specialized tools to target The lower back muscles for pressure, kneading, and stretching. Massage eases tense muscles, enhances blood flow, and aids healing.

Trigger Point Therapy:

Chiropractors use this method to push the lower back’s trigger points for muscle tension. The chiropractor relieves these trigger points, which reduces discomfort and enhances muscle performance.

Myofascial Release: 

Chiropractors treat the fascia, a connective tissue that envelops and supports the muscles in the lower back, with mild pressure and stretching using myofascial release techniques.

Lifestyle management:

Most chiropractors, including Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic, recommend regular exercise for back discomfort. Exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy, robust, and well-functioning body. It enhances flexibility, posture, circulation, range of motion, and even digestion while strengthening and developing your supporting muscles. You can aid in delaying the onset of pain by exercising frequently.

Final thoughts

Do not delay if you are experiencing terrible back pain. Get treatment from our expert chiropractors like Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health. We can help you achieve your health objectives because we have years of experience in chiropractic care. Get effective lower back pain treatment in Canada by contacting our clinic.

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