Chiropractic care goes beyond the adjustment techniques. There are many approaches involved in it, including heat and cold therapy, massage therapy, and more. Consult with an experienced chiropractor for more details.

When it is chiropractic care, adjustments come first in our mind. It is true that spinal manipulation and chiropractic adjustments are the heart of the treatment. But, a chiropractor also uses different therapeutic options for alleviating your pain and other complications. Many people are not aware of them, and these misconceptions are harmful to getting the best chiropractic care. Ask Dr Brian Nantais if you want to know more about chiropractic care. He is an experienced doctor and treats your complications finely.

Here, we cover a different topic to improve the knowledge about this alternative care option. A chiropractor uses natural agents also during the treatment if needed. These natural agents are heat, cold, water, massage, light, and exercise. When a trained practitioner employs this therapeutic element, it has a beneficial influence on your health.

Here are some common forms of chiropractic therapy:

Heat and cold:

A chiropractor can alternatively perform heat and ice therapy for helping patients treat back pain. A chiropractor uses an ice pack to numb the area for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then, he/she switches with the heat wrap to restore the blood flow on the affected area. It promotes the relieving process. Chiropractic care is not limited to chiropractic adjustments. Nantais Family Chiropractic will solve all queries. Visit Elevation Health Care to know more details. Chiropractic care is about your health. Adjustments are the primary health care technique, but these approaches are also effective for relieving your pain.


Chiropractors suggest a few exercises for stretching and strengthening your back. Consult with Dr Brian Nantais for understanding the importance of exercise for your treatment. You will get enough details about the steps of exercises, which are useful for your health.


A chiropractor massages your soft tissue for improving circulation, reducing swelling and inflammation. If you have back pain, massage therapy proves to be very effective for your health.

Dietary management:

Many chiropractors will offer you dietary management tips. An improved diet will heal your back pain. Doctors also recommend dietary supplements after spinal manipulation. Chiropractic care includes many things for your pain management. If you think that they crack your back only, you need to collect more details about chiropractic care.


Using sound waves, a chiropractor applies deep heat therapy for soft tissues and joints. Micro-massaging is an important option for chiropractic care. With the help of Ultrasound, a chiropractor can reduce your back pain, stiffness, spasms, and more. It also increases blood flow that improves your healing process.


It is an electromagnetic therapy that passes shortwaves through soft tissues and joints. It is used for relaxing muscles and connective tissues. You need an experienced chiropractor who will make you understand different techniques of treatment besides chiropractic adjustments. Consult with Dr Brian Nantais for more details.


Water can be used at different pressure for your healing. It can be used for relieving the sensitivity of back pain. There are many approaches used by a chiropractor. We will cover other therapy choices in another blog. If you need chiropractic care for your health, please consult with us. Dr Brian Nantais will help you get the best health care approaches for your health.

Chiropractors are not medical doctors, but they have gone through an extensive educational program for offering adjustments to your health. Read on to know more.

Chiropractors are not medical doctors as they do not have a conventional medical degree. However, they go through an extensive study program on chiropractic care to become a licensed practitioner for adjusting your musculoskeletal structure. If you have any pain-related health issues, you can visit a chiropractor for treatment. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced name and treats your complications to offer complete relief.

To become a chiropractor, you need to complete an undergraduate degree in sciences. After graduation, you need to pursue a 4-year chiropractic program where classes and hands-on experience are included. In the United States, a chiropractor needs to earn a doctor of chiropractic degree to perform treatments on patients. You can take admission to any college that comes under the Council of Chiropractic Education.

Some chiropractors also go through further study with a specialization in a certain area. They need to complete additional residency for two years and three years. Chiropractic methods are many in number, and an experienced chiropractor can choose the best one for your health. 

A chiropractor first analyzes your health complications and then suggest the right treatment for you. From back pain to neck pain, a chiropractor treats many complications, especially related to:

  1. Muscles
  2. Tendons
  3. Ligaments
  4. Bones
  5. Cartilage
  6. Nervous system

If you need any help, you can visit Nantais Family Chiropractic. You will get a complete solution for your health complications. A chiropractor performs adjustments on your spine using hands or instruments.

Besides treating neck pain or back pain issues, a chiropractor can treat constipation or infant colic issues also. A pregnant woman can also opt for chiropractic care for alleviating pain. Remember that it is a holistic approach that takes care of your health completely.

Core chiropractic treatment:

Spinal manipulation or manual manipulation:

It includes high velocity, short lever arm thrust applied on your vertebrae for improving the functionality and restoring the range of motion. This process is primarily known as the chiropractic adjustment that is good for treating any type of pain you have. 

Chiropractic mobilization:

Chiropractic mobilization is a gentle approach that stretches your muscles and joints that improve the range of motions. It improves the range of motions in the restricted joints.

If you suffer from accidental injury and other complications, you can consult with Dr Brian Nantais. He is an experienced doctor for treating your health and other complications. The common conditions a chiropractor treats are:

  1. Lower back pain
  2. Whiplash-related condition
  3. Neck pain

There are many myths surrounding chiropractic care. Many people thought that a chiropractor would treat back pain only. It is a complete approach for your health, and you can consult with a chiropractor if you have pain in the foot, elbow, shoulder, and neck. It is a safe approach, but some people may experience short-term issues, such as sore muscles and fatigue.  So, a chiropractor is not a medical doctor, but he/she can treat pain using chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractors are licensed practitioners for treating your pain complications. If you need any help, visit Elevation Health. It is a place where you get the best relief from your health issues.