
Tips For Backpack Safety From a Chiropractor

Dr Brian Nantais of the reputed Elevation Health in Canada talks about the ways you can keep your backpack. Contact Elevation Health for back pain treatment.

Tips For Backpack Safety From a Chiropractor

Dr Brian Nantais of the reputed Elevation Health in Canada talks about the ways you can keep your backpack. Contact Elevation Health for back pain treatment.

Relation between your backpack and back pain:

Nowadays, back pain is becoming increasingly common. Not only adults but teens and children are experiencing it. In many cases, your backpack may be the problem. The way you carry your backpack, or its weight can be the leading causes of your pain. It can even damage your spine. So, the Nantais family chiropractic experts of Elevation health in Canada suggest that you invest in a backpack that is healthy for your body. For that matter, the expert team of Dr Brian Nantais has brought to you some tips.

If you put too many heavy items inside your backpack and carry it for hours, it causes tremendous damage to your spine. It also affects your back muscles and joints. In fact, it makes your body stiff and you suffer from a lot of pain.

Symptoms that your backpack might be too heavy:

If you experience the following difficulties, your backpack may be too heavy for you to carry.

  1. When you are carrying your backpack, you automatically lean forward.
  2. You face a lot of discomfort while putting it on and taking it off.
  3. Carrying it is uncomfortable and you feel pain
  4. You often get strap marks on your skin.
  5. Your experience numbness in your hands and feet

The Nantais family chiropractic experts suggest that if you are facing these problems, you should make sure to consult a chiropractor. Your chiropractor will assist you get rid of the pain and discomfort. You can also visit Elevation Health in Canada for the best chiropractic care.

Tips to maintain a safe backpack:

Dr Brian Nantais, an expert chiropractor, gives advice on maintaining backpack safety.

  1. Check the weight of your backpack
  2. Give more importance to health than the style
  3. Wear the backpack properly
  4. Keep in mind what they can carry

Check the weight of your backpack:

Ideally, your backpack should be under 10% of your body weight. If you carry a weight heavier than that, it will lead to degeneration of your spine. It will cause you a lot of pain if you carry such weights for long periods of time. If you need to carry a heavier weight, buy a rolling backpack. If you are facing back pain issues, contact our chiropractor Dr Brian Nantais for the best treatment.

Give more importance to health than the style:

Remember that it is more important to take care of your health than your style. Make a priority to give regard to the size and padding. Choose a backpack whose straps are padded and wide. It will distribute the weight evenly on your back. Also, choose a backpack with more compartments.

Wear the backpack properly:

Make sure that your backpack has supportive straps and a good fit. Don’t wear it too low. Pack it correctly – put the heavy ones in the back and the light ones in the front for a better balance.

Keep in mind what they can carry:

Dr Brian Nantais suggests that you check from time to time if you are comfortable carrying it. For this, you must consult an expert chiropractor to get proper advice.

Seek expert chiropractic care for a healthy back from Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation health in Canada. Contact us now!

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