
What Are The Potential Adverse Effects Of Chiropractic Care?

Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health if you opt for safe and effective chiro care.

What Are The Potential Adverse Effects Of Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care involves manipulating the spine and other joints to enhance general health and well-being. It is a sort of complementary and alternative medicine. Although many individuals think that getting chiropractic care is safe and helpful, there are some possible adverse effects that you should be aware of before getting treatment. However, the side effects are rare but can arise in certain cases. To avoid inconvenience, you should opt for chiropractic care from any reputed chiro like Dr Brian Nantais.

Dr Brian Nantais is a reputable and expert chiropractor in Nantais Family Chiropractic who has adequate knowledge and expertise in chiropractic care and can provide you with the best-fit chiropractic treatment per your needs and preferences. Contact Elevation Health for his consultation.

Following are a few possible side effects of chiropractic treatment:

  1. Headaches
  2. Fatigue
  3. Soreness
  4. Nausea
  5. Risk of Stroke
  6. Vertebral Artery Dissection
  7. Herniated Disc
  8. Injury to the spinal cord
  9. Increased Pain
  10. Bowel or Bladder Dysfunction
  11. Psychological anguish


Following chiropractic care, some patients may develop headaches. Although these headaches are typically not severe and disappear within a few days, they can be bothersome and annoying. 


Following chiropractic care, patients may experience fatigue or lack of energy. This can be because the body needs energy to restore injured tissue during its normal healing process. 


Following chiropractic treatment, patients may feel sore or uncomfortable in the parts of their bodies that had treatment. This is a typical stage of healing and ought to disappear in a few days. 


Some patients may feel queasy or sick to their stomach after receiving chiropractic care. This is typically brought on by the body responding to the spine manipulation, which should pass in a few hours. 

Risk of Stroke:

Chiropractic therapy has occasionally been related to a higher risk of stroke. Although this risk is believed to be extremely unlikely, if you have a history of stroke or other cardiovascular issues, you should be aware of it.

Though the risks of experiencing these side effects are rare and depend on the individual medical state, delivering effective treatment can avoid these adverse effects. You can rely on Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic for fruitful treatment. Contact Elevation Health for his consultation. 

Vertebral Artery Dissection:

This uncommon but possibly dangerous complication might happen during chiropractic care. It involves a rupture in the vertebral artery’s lining, which can result in problems, including a stroke. 

Herniated Disc:

Chiropractic manipulation can occasionally result in a herniated disc. Pain and other symptoms result from the gel-like material inside the disc pushing through a crack in the disc’s outer layer. 

Injury to the spinal cord:

In rare circumstances, chiropractic manipulation can cause spinal cord damage, which may result in paralysis or other severe problems. 

Increased Pain:

Chiropractic care is intended to lessen pain, but it may make it worse in rare circumstances. This may occur if the patient has a condition that makes them more sensitive to pain or if the chiropractor exerts too much pressure. 

Bowel or Bladder Dysfunction:

Chiropractic care can occasionally result in bowel or bladder problems, particularly if the patient is manipulated in the lower back or pelvis. 

Psychological anguish:

Some patients may experience psychological anguish following chiropractic care. 

Final Words

It’s crucial to remember that most chiropractic patients have no side effects and that many consider it a secure and efficient type of treatment if you want safe and effective chiro care, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

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