
Get Over Your Hip Pain With Chiropractic Care

If you are searching for an expert chiropractor in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health.

Get Over Your Hip Pain With Chiropractic Care

Many people suffer from hip pain. Hip pain can be caused due to multiple reasons, but the most common cause is osteoarthritis. Apart from that, obesity and other diseases can cause chronic hip pain. There are several medications to heal it, but Chiropractic Treatment offers a drug-free approach to treating hip pain. People who have taken this treatment got satisfactory results, but it’s vital to understand that every person’s situation is unique, and a chiropractor will tailor their treatment approach to your specific needs. So you need to contact any expert chiro like Dr Brian Nantais to get appropriate Chiro care. 

If you need a Chiropractor in Canada, you can reach out to Elevation Health. Here you can have one of the finest chiro Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He has all the necessary experience and skills to offer you the best ever treatment regarding chiro care based upon your needs and preferences.  

Chiropractic care can be an effective process to relieve hip pain. Here are some points that should be kept in mind when seeking for chiropractic care for hip pain: 

  1. Consultation
  2. Examination
  3. Diagnosis
  4. Chiropractic Adjustments
  5. Soft Tissue Therapy
  6. Exercise
  7. Maintenance


First, you need to take a consultation with a reputed chiropractor to get your chiro care plan. During this consultation, you’ll discuss your medical history, symptoms, and any previous treatments you’ve received for your hip pain. Analyzing this information, Chiro will determine the best approach to treatment. 


Before starting any treatment, the chiropractor will likely perform a physical exam to assess the condition of your hips and surrounding areas. Through this, the chiro will check for a range of motion, muscle strength, and other factors that could be contributing to your pain. 


After conducting an assessment of your body and effected area, the chiropractor will make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan based on the examination result. This may include a combination of chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and some exercises to help strengthen the affected areas.

In this regard, you can entirely rely on Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He has years of experience in treating those issues, so it is undeniable that he can give you the proper chiro care that you need. Get in touch with Elevation Health to contact him. 

Chiropractic Adjustments: 

Chiropractic adjustments like applying precise, controlled force to specific joints in the hip, pelvis, or spine to improve alignment and mobility that helps in reducing the pain. This can be done manually or with the use of specialized tools.

Soft Tissue Therapy:

 A chiropractor may use gentle tissue therapy to relieve hip pain. This can include massage, trigger point therapy, or myofascial release techniques, which can help release muscle tension and reduce inflammation in the affected area.


To help prevent the risks of having hip pain in the future and improve overall mobility and flexibility, a chiropractor may recommend specific exercises or stretches to perform at home. These exercises may include hip stretches, core strengthening, and posture correction techniques.


After your initial treatment, following through with any recommended maintenance care is vital to ensure that your hip pain does not return. This may include periodic chiropractic adjustments or exercises to help keep your hips pain-free.

Closing Line

Chiropractic care is considered a safe and effective way to relieve hip pain. Still, it’s essential to consult with a licensed and experienced chiro like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is one of the most renowned chiropractors in Canada and can offer you top-of-the-line chiro care. Reach out to Elevation Health To consult with him. 

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