
The Pros And Cons Of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health provides great benefits of chiropractic care without causing severe threats for the pregnant women .

The Pros And Cons Of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

A woman goes through an immense challenge during pregnancy. It is one crucial time of a woman’s life when the woman has to suffer both mentally and physically. Apart from that, many hormonal changes take place in women’s bodies. Many of them witness severe pain and discomfort during this time. As we all know, the wrong medication can harm the mother and the baby. That is why pregnant women search for safe and reliable treatment to ease their bodily pain. Here comes chiropractic care by Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health in Canada.

As an effective alternative to traditional medicine, chiropractic care can help pregnant women in many ways. But it would be best to look for a trustworthy and efficient chiropractor like Nantais Family Chiropractic, who can assure you of better results.

Now let’s dive into the pros and cons of chiropractic care during pregnancy:-


  1. Decreases in-ultero constraints
  2. Reduces back pain
  3. Eases labour and delivery
  4. Reduces nausea

Decreases in-ultero constraints:

The production of Relaxin hormones helps to relax the body’s ligaments so that the baby assumes the proper position whenever the mother moves. But in many cases, pregnant women can experience subluxation, which restricts pelvis motion and can cause in-ultero constraints. It causes stress in the ligaments, and both the mother and the baby feel discomfort and pain. Chiropractic care helps them to relax and allows them to move freely.

Reduces back pain:

Due to intense weight and body pressure, pregnant women feel unbearable body pain. Proper and routine chiro care can correct their postures and thus can ease their back muscles pain without harming their health.

Eases labour and delivery:

Every woman wants to have a baby her baby without heavy labour pain or any complications during delivery. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help pregnant women by correcting their postures and easing their joint pain. With the proper alignment of hips, pelvis, and spine, chiro care can help women to deliver their babies smoothly.

Reduces nausea:

Nausea, dizziness, and morning sickness are common symptoms of pregnancy. Many pregnant women seek help to keep these away to feel better. Due to these, they start to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. Good chiropractors like Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health can help them by making spine adjustments, restoring proper positions and improving the overall nervous system.


  1. Risk of injury
  2. Expensive treatment
  3. The credibility of the chiropractor

Risk of injury:

One can not deny that there are chances to have spinal or joint manipulation, which can gradually lead to injuries and fractures. So it is crucial to have an appointment with an experienced professional like Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Expensive treatment:

Sometimes this treatment can be costly as you must go for many sessions with your chiropractor. But if it is helpful to your health, then it’s worth it.

The credibility of the chiropractor:

Many pregnant women do not rely entirely on their chiropractors for various reasons. But a trustworthy and experienced chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais can be a good help.

Closing line

If you consider the above discussion and want to visit a good chiropractor like Nantais Family Chiropractic duringyour pregnancy, you must contact Elevation Health for excellent assistance.

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